The Chasm
Randy Alcorn
110 pages
If you want to read about love, true love, look no further. Randy Alcorn has written a spiritual love story that all need to experience. He brings Nick to the edge of a deep, dark chasm, relating spiritual truth in physical words. Nick is simply a character, a toy in the story, symbolizing you and me. Just when Nick thinks there is no hope, circumstance that he cannot yet understand develop that put him in his place, give his life purpose, and show him a love greater than any experienced before.
The pages will fly by when you dive into this “story”, written like fiction, but portraying real, deep purpose. Twelve original illustrations depict the reality of our spiritual battle and help to set the scenes as we put ourselves on the edge of the same chasm Nick experiences. If you are looking for an easy read or depth – dive on in.
No book better shows the love of Jesus in a physical, understandable way. I love that Nick goes through life with a mask over his eyes – not really understanding what he is experiencing, but moving forward all the same. Even after his up-close-and-personal experience with Jesus, he does not full grasp what has just happened. Discover God and Jesus in a personal way in this wonderfully put together adventure.
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