Make His Thoughts Your Thoughts - Daily Readings and Reflections on God's Own Words
by R.P. Nettelhorst
This is a beautiful Old Testament paperback devotional. Each day's reading is broken into two halves - a passage of scripture and a devotional drawing from the reading. The days are not numbered by the date, but simply by a number (1-365), which I enjoy because it is hard to start a book on January 1st ! This is strictly an Old Testament devotional, and all the readings come from those books. The author wanted to show us who God is, not Jesus, and what those words can mean to us.
The God of the Old Testament is very different from the God of the New Testament. The laws and rules of sacrifice and daily practices were well communicated and strict. So many signs from God were miraculous and black and white. God loved his people, but they did not always love him. This is a great devotional diving into many of those short passages that are often looked over as we read the Old Testament!
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Thanks Thomas Nelson!!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their
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